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#1 Posted : Saturday, September 18, 2004 5:32:45 AM
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WOW! Jim, what an enterprise! I read every one of the letters in your timeline. thank you so much for putting this together. I will say, however, that it did take a while to download ( I don't have hi-speed; yet!).

I would hope that we could get this in printed form. Did you see my book review of 'Bavarian Creme' and 'Noch Eins'?  (reviews available on this website).These are two books compiled by Circe Woesner about the times and life at and of the University of Maryland, Munich Campus from 1950 until it went away in the late 90's (It moved). I think this project (AFRC Timeline) would fit very well in the same form.

James, thank you so much.

Paul S. Lambres


Is there a site where people can find this, or should they just ask you to send it to them?

#2 Posted : Monday, September 27, 2004 3:33:01 PM
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By now you should have your copy.  I Emailed it out this AM.


If, by chance, there are other RAIDERS out there, or anyone else interested in receiving a copy of the AFRC TIMELINE just drop me an Email and I will reply.


The truth of the matter, there are many of you RAIDERS out there that did not send me anything.  God only knows that when you are looking for names and times, the data in my book just about hits every year from 1946 until 2004.





#3 Posted : Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:19:27 AM
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Jim, Please send me a copy of the Time Line. Thanks


Chuck Henderson
Wichita Falls, TexAs
(Misplaced Coloradan)

#4 Posted : Wednesday, September 29, 2004 1:59:56 PM
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I have been awol from the site for some time but sure would appreciate a copy of the timeline if possible

Scouse Sharon
#5 Posted : Saturday, October 2, 2004 2:23:27 PM
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I received a copy but deleted it by mistake, if possible could you send me another copy, it would be much appreciated. Thanks.



Andy Capp
#6 Posted : Sunday, October 10, 2004 3:09:42 PM
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Herr James Carey,I didnt get anything back from ya at all,except a rather funny "when Im 64".--Would like to see your time line deal as it sure seems you have put a lot of work into and am sure many, including meself,are grateful.--I was in GAP first time during the summer 1970 and then again off and on the whole decade.---I was in GAP for a couple of weeks in late July early August 2004 staying with old friends out in Grainau.--I now live in Penang,Malaysia, no snow around these parts..------Andy Capp
#7 Posted : Sunday, October 10, 2004 5:37:18 PM
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Check the downloads area. The document has been posted in two parts as a downloadable .pdf.




#8 Posted : Thursday, December 16, 2004 8:28:13 PM
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Looks like user error to me!
#9 Posted : Thursday, December 16, 2004 8:49:18 PM
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James. I would contribute, but there aint much I can add to my 60,000 word book (half of it covering Garmisch from 1975-91) available on download from this site . Pete Day
#10 Posted : Saturday, December 18, 2004 2:42:51 AM
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After what you wrote, along with what I have, who could ask for more? would really fill the books, but you already have it in the DOWNLOAD.


The one missing link to all of this is the people that used to run the Columbia Hotel in Munich.  It was just down the street from the Hackerbrau.  Is there anyone from that era around?


And then there are the more fun times of riding the TROOP TRAIN that ran between Bremerhaven and Munich. 



#11 Posted : Tuesday, December 21, 2004 2:11:15 AM
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Is there a way you can download or transfer some of the stories from the old files?  Tim Foley (Father Foley to some) did a pretty good job with his narritives and I threw in a few reminders of GAP 72-73.  I was a civilian, with a one way ticket from Seattle and landed in Garmisch because of a guy named Tim Joy who worked on the patrol but returned to the states to go to school who I met in school in Bellingham, WA.  I hung out with the Gallouchi Brothers of Arch Stassa and lived in the Green Arrow and had an apartment in a sub-division below the GOLF Hotel.  Worked for Charlie Henderson before going to work at the plastic factory and Frau Drexsel was my benifactor.  Hung out with Mike LLoyd and his wife Simone Irion and her sister Michelle, Jake Verling (who pasted away on the Mountian working the patrol in Sun Valley, Kim Lewis and his wife Rosie, Stu Brown, Chip Moran and the list goes on.  Rode on Stan's motorcycle in Chemise and joined the 100 Mile An' Hour Club and bought a motorcycle from him when he worked for Jackson Hole Cycle in 1975.  This, of course, is just a taste but the real record can be found in the early site files.  I suggest you do a little research so that Garmisch can be represented.  People will get involved when they feel motivated.  Just keep the timeline open and as people have the time and feel the need to remember, they have a place to go and expand on the past.  Feel free to add this small sample to your folder.  Let me know if you can mine the past.  THXS for your efforts.

Ed Feltis (Cookie Monster)  

#12 Posted : Tuesday, December 21, 2004 11:16:02 PM
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Hi Cookie Monster, I also spent a lot of time with the Galluchi brothers & stayed at Herr Johanssens on Arch str. Kim & Rosie, were good friends since we all stayed at the Green Arrow. I remember we all ate some brownies & went to see 2001 A Space Odyssey, I guess we overdid the ingredients, because some of us laughed so hard we had to walk out, & I thought it was the funniest movie I had ever seen! There were a whole bunch of us there, Mellow Jack, Frank from Tacoma, Big Mike from the Air force, & a whole lot of others. I also worked at Geiger Plastic & lasted 3 days when they fired me, but then took them to  arbitration because they made me work on this awful machine that gave me asthma attacks(giftige abgasse), & they sent me to a large lady doctor, who appeared to be a former concentration camp guard who said, 'Ich Kann gar nichts finden”, I protested that 'Sie sind kein lungen spezialist”, & so I was sent by the Arbeitsamt to a Dr Geiger. He told me he was no relation to Geiger Plastics, & then asked me if I would mind if we spoke English since he had “Kein gelegenheit, Englisch zu sprechen” I said of course & he gave me papers saying I could only work outdoors, so the Arbeitsamt had to pay me DM2400 for the weeks I hadnt worked. I worked the next 2 years for the Bayerische Zugspitzbahn on the Osterfelder lifts, & the Ski Patrol & me & Michel had some fantastic times, like touching the sky. In summer I was with the dreaded Deutsche Asphalt, where we occasionally worked from 6.30 am till 1am the next morning but I was making between DM2500 & DM3000  a month, which was great for 1978, the only problem was I had to keep Irish Ron under control since he was like a wild animal.Sort of like sit Ron, sit, theres a good boy. Also some of the Nazis like Dieter who hung out at the Chance were hard to take but I made enough money to go to India & the east with Rachel so in retrospect, it was worth the suffering! In 73 I hung out with Sunshine at Chiemsee & we had some great soccer games then, there was one airforce guy who was really good but I cant remember his name. I do remember Mike, & Simone, Scotty Stratton, was it Paul Lambert who was the photographer, & of course Mike Harker, Jake, etc, great time in a great place.

Andy (Drew) Failes  

#13 Posted : Thursday, June 23, 2005 7:51:04 PM
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Hi! Computer died three weeks ago just got it back up and running. I also did not get a copy and for some reason my email is not listed with the others. Can you send me a copy? I know I did not send anything as I was in the middle of moving to VA and finishing up school. Maybe there will be a 2nd addition in the future? :) Thanks!
#14 Posted : Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:16:44 PM
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Sure is handy!
#15 Posted : Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:22:13 PM
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Will try to put something together for the 1990 to present. Spent 6 years in Berchtesgaden, 6 in Chiemsee and am working on my fourth year in Garmisch. Have a lot of photos and some pretty good stories. What I need to find is the time to write about 'em.

Also, not sure who maintains the AFRC Ski website but the link to Edelweiss Lodge & Resort needs to be changed to http://edelweisslodgeandresort/index.html, (rather than .../index.php). Just updated the site this evening and the current version only uses PHP for some background tasks.
#16 Posted : Monday, November 7, 2005 8:23:00 PM
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If you read my portion (in the 1970 folder) of AFRC TIMELINE you might remember me.


I was your Senior Enlisted Advisor and worked out of the Stanggass Headquarters.


Anything you have that will fill in one of the folders would be greatly appreciated.


Take your time and try to remember most everything that happened, to whom, and when. Who were your "side-kicks" and what did you do that was so incredible you don't believe it yourself. You know, naked rodle runs at midnight, skiing on a mud slope the winter of 72-73 at the Skytop because it snowed so little.


That's what we are looking for.




#17 Posted : Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:19:33 AM
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Berchtesgaden stellt sich vor

Well Raiders, it's been almost a year now and in looking back at the AFRC TIMELINE I find there are many “holes” that must be filled.


I just put together an email address of everyone that have put in their comments.  I find much more is needed.


Your help is greatly needed.  That is, if you know of someone that did their “time” in BRA, GAP, Chiemsee or the Columbia Hotel in Munich, please have them put their story together and email it to me.


Just check the folder years that are missing.  Back a couple of years ago everyone was so excited about this site as well as the karmabum site.  Now it is just a few and they are themselves “searching“ for the lost RAIDERS.


If anyone has a suggestion as how to get more interest and find where some of these people are please reply to this letter.


If you don't want to send your letter (story of your times in AFRC) then send them to Mark Sheldon and he can have them posted to the folder you belong.


Remember, as we get older we forget more.  We only have some idea of those times yet the names and faces get further from our memories each year. - the coolest Weather of GarmischJIM CAREY


Enter Edelweiss Lodge and Resort



#18 Posted : Tuesday, October 7, 2008 5:43:44 AM
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Thanks for the kind words.


With the ever changing policy on Government Email I am sort of at a point where I must take a step back and let things go.


I don't have a computer at home (because 10 hours a day in the shop is enough) thus I will not have a means to do much with the TIMELINE.  I would hope someone out there would have the means available to do that.


In total, the book really isn't complete as so many people are missing.  I only wish more could tell their story.


What is is and will never change.


God bless and prey for a 10" fresh powder base.



#19 Posted : Wednesday, October 8, 2008 6:50:17 AM
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Hi Jim,


I submitted information about my days at AFRC BRA but did not receive a copy of the Timeline.  Could be the address?  I am presently registered with an email address of  Would you please send me a copy thank you?   David Oliver

#20 Posted : Friday, November 6, 2009 3:34:31 PM
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HARLEY: are good to go.


If you have your story in WORD just attach and email to my government address:


I will then be able to post it.


As a member of my new web site you have the freedom to go in, edit, post and attach any photos you might have.



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