I'm Sid Carriere, and though not an "official" member of the BRA Ski Patrol, I was inducted as an "honorary" member due to my diverse roles of being Father Dick Goellen's assistant at the Alpine Inn Retreat House, as well as the original DJ, then bartender, at the Strub Disco (where I sold many, if not all of you, a cold Weininger).
I lived at Strub with the MP's (John Sweeney, Bob Morrison, SGT Clapton, and Gary ???). After getting out (05/76), I came back as civvie and worked as Bank Messenger and wore my lederhosen with a Gov't-issue .45 sidearm making the money pickups at the Walker, Hof, Alpine Inn, and Chiemsee. At this time I was supopsed to be living in the motor-pool end of the barracks with the 3rd country nationals, but I kept my original room with the MP's (I let one of the bands from the disco crash in my "other" room).
I mastered the bunny slope and tumbled off the t-bar at Skytop, and for some unknown reason, went on a tour to Maria Alm where all I did was punch holes in the slope with my boots.
For a short while I was the Cubmaster for the Scouts, and once prepared a New Orleans-style dinner for COL Brown and his brood.
I left for good 11/76 and, though I've tried, have not managed to make it back yet <sigh>.
Just wondering if anyone remembers.