Vie Gehtz, Raiders:
I was perusing some of my photos from the Sun Valley reunion of 2004, and got caught up reminiscing the various events from that party.
I sure enjoyed the jam session we had in that room way away, far away, from all the rest of the Sun Valley lodge.
In that vein, I’m putting forth the proposition that all those and any others that would like to: "That we should make plans on another music jam at the upcoming BIG SKY, MT. Reunion."
I’d suggest that those whom might have an interest in doing so connect beforehand with the object of working out a basic play list that we’d all be able to practice prior to the reunion.
I’m not in any way saying that it’s got to be chiseled in stone or written in blood. But I know I’d be much more confidant if we had a common ground of musical selections that we could work from.
I’d also very much like to get some input from TEX “OGDEN, UT.” for the song we did that one night, that he wrote. “UP IN DAVE’s ROOM”
So, Jim Wilson, TEX, Steve McClallum, Steve Roberto, plus any one else that would like to jump in. IF, we could either use the AFRC Bulletin Board to coordinate some selections or connect online via our own web addresses maybe we can come up with something.
Too bad we can’t get DON the Bartender from Sun Valley to head to BIG SKY he was impressive on the guitar. I’m sure I’ve left out plenty of others, but not intentionally just the effects of 5 decades of corrupted memory.
I’ll connect with Steve Roberto and Steve McClallum whom are here on the OST COAST. If anyone knows Tex’s “Real Name and address” and can relay it to me I’ll send him a letter also. The same goes for Jim Wilson. So, mostly I need some feedback and addresses.
Hope everyone is doing PREMA, looking forward to hearing from you’all and attending at BIG SKY.. MAC From MARYLAND